Time to Reqnroll

Over the years I have written a fair bit about Specflow, it has quite heavy usage in my projects and I still think Cucumber and BDD is a valuable tool for cross team collaboration and specification. Some people don’t like the extra layer of implementation it brings and that’s fair enough… whatever works for you.

I was concerned to hear recently that Specflow seems to have died a bit of a death at the hands of Tricentis who acquired the project a few years back. Thankfully, Gaspar Nagy has forked the Specflow Repo in order to breathe new life into the project.

This is definitely a word that needs spreading as Specflow is a popular and widely used library. Go and read the who/ why/ where/ what over on the project page: https://reqnroll.net/news/2024/02/from-specflow-to-reqnroll-why-and-how/

All the news, how to migrate, how to contribute etc – I have not done any migration yet but with dotnet 8.0 support, that won’t be very far away. Some take-aways:

  • The BDD framework itself and the documentation have been ported to Reqnroll.
  • The “SpecFlow+ LivingDoc Generator” is unfortunately closed-source, so cannot be forked. That sounds like it will be remade.
  • SpecRun is also closed-source but had been deprecated, don’t expect to see this again
  • Specflow Actions might get ported/ reviewed… Sounds like this might be on case by case basis
  • The Visual Studio extension has been fully ported to Reqnroll. It has been modified to work with both Reqnroll and SpecFlow projects to make the transition easier.
  • The Table class is now DataTable but either can be used
  • Expected namespace changes

Finally, many thanks to all of those keeping this going. If you use Specflow in any of your projects, go check out Reqnroll as soon as you can. Why not give the migration guide a peruse as well?


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